Issei Miyake and Relaity Lab. collaborated and released a series of lamps titled “In-EI ISSEY MIYAKE”. “In-EI” means “light” and “shadow”, which is aesthetics traditionally appreciated in Japan. Recycled polyester used for the lamps is strong and does not require an internal structure, and at the same time, it is possible to fold it down when not in use. It is a winner of iF design award 2013.
Japanese Design Blog
- Noto Fukasawa talks about “good” design November 16, 2024
- New Light Pottery November 11, 2024
- “GACHA” Autonomous Shuttle Bus by Muji March 18, 2019
- Night book by Akii February 17, 2019
- ACO WRAP – Reusable wrap February 4, 2019
Japanese design is becoming increasing present on the international design scene. Still, there are very few blogs covering Japanese design. Therefore, this blog is exclusively dedicated to Japanese design, i.e. product design, fashion, architecture, and art. Contact us: submit(a)jpdesign.orgAbout Japanese design shop
Japanese design shop carries products that were reported on in, all designed by Japanese designers. Japanese design shop is part of style-pd,Inc. Please read the following for the terms and conditions. Click here for more information.
Japanese design is becoming increasing present on the international design scene. Still, there are very few blogs covering Japanese design. Therefore, this blog is exclusively dedicated to Japanese design, i.e. product design, fashion, architecture, and art. Contact us: submit(a)